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Asking If Someone Remembers or Not

Asking If Someone Remembers or Not
Hello, lama gak ngePost nih, jarang OL gara2 lagi bOkE, hha :D
Kali ini Saya mau ngePost masalah Asking If someone remembers or not, kebetulan saya dan teman saya Caesar dapat tugas dari Mr. Erwanto,untuk mengerjakan proyek ini.
Nah, buat pembaca sekalian yang mau bertanya kepada Pacarnya yang gak ingat kapan pertama kali jadian, materi berikut bisa dijadikan pedoman,,,, hhahahaha (by Mr. Cupid).
Apa Sih asking if someone remembers or not………………?

Asking if someone remembers or not is a better way to remind someone about something or maybe can be used to ensure about memories of someone.
Indicators :
1.    Students are able to identify the expressions of asking if someone remembers or not.
2.   Students are able to respond the Yes and No Questions.
3.   Students are able to respond the statements or WH-Questions.
4.   Students are able to use the expressions of asking if someone remembers or not
Jadi tujuan mempelajari ini kita dapat mengidentifikasi  apa sih ASR (asking if someone remember or not; julukan baru J), dan juga dapat merespond pertanyaan yang diajukan dengan, Sekaligus juga dapat menggunakannya di kehidupan sehari-hari
Formal Expressions :
          I wonder if you remember that boy?
          You remember when we did us first date, don’t you?
          You haven’t forgotten the accident was happen to you, have you ?
          Don’t  You remember  how is She?
          Do you happen to remember it now?

Informal Expressions :
          Remember the old school we used to learn in?
          Remember that ?
Ways to Responds :
1.    If You remember :
-          Let  me think, yes I remember. The boy is your nephew, right ?.
-          I always think that  moment.
2.   If You don’t :
-          Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten.
-          I’m afraid I forgot.
-          I really can’t remember.
Yohohoho, udah ngertos ora ? jadi buat yang ingin memastikan hari jadiannya/pernikahannya/ultahnya kepada si Dia, Tanya aja menggunakan cara di atas!.
Thank You.............
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