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Past Tense

Lanjut Gan, sekaang W mau kasih tau kepada Anda mengenain Past Tense, what's it ?
The Past Tense is tell the event(s) or incidents at the past time.
kapan menggunakannya :0 ??
- When the speaker think of an activity or state as occurred and complete at a specific time in the past.
- For a non-fact in the present or future time, this is traditionally called the " subjunctive mood ".
ada pula kata keterangan (adverb) yg menjadi syarat pemakaian Past Tense
-Adverb used : yesterday, last night, last week, last day, two days ago, once upon a time, etc.

-Simple past for regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) is added by -ed to the root of a word.
Example : She worked at the office.
-At negation is produced by adding 'did not' and the verb in it's infinitive form.
Example : She did not work at the office
-Question setence are started with 'Did' as in "Did she work at the office ?".

The formulas :
-Verbal :
[+] S + verb 2 + obejct/compliment
[-] S + did not/didn't + verb 1 + O/C
[?] Did + S + verb 1 + O/C ?
Example :
[+] Afry brought something in her bag.
[-] Demoy did not lost her phone
[?] Did Khhia take some bananas ?
Dalam past tense ini kata kerja yg digunakan adalah bentuk kedua, ciri khas dari kata kerja kedua adalah adanya penambahan '-ed' di belakang tiap kata kerja 1, tapi ada juga sebagian kata yg tidak ditambah 'ed' melainkan berubah pelafalan maupun tulisannya, contoh pada verb 1 "Think" jika dijadikan verb 2 maka akan menjadi "Thought".
[+] S + was/were + O/C
[-] S + was/were not + O/C
[?] was/were + S + O/C ?
Example :
+ I & Galeh was a student in SMP GATAR
- Rana were not work at that school
? was You a driver ?

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